With the increase in the income of the people and the upcoming latest versions of the cars, people continually seek to sell their old cars and buy new ones. In case you seek to sell your old car, it is important to ensure that after selling the car you shall not be liable for it in any way, as the car would be driven by an unknown person and you may be affected by it. What if the car you sold to a person who has a criminal record and is indulged in illegal activities? Hence, it is important to not have any legal responsibility for the car after you have sold it. If your previous vehicle has been found to be involved in an illegal activity, it is important to immediately consult an experienced criminal lawyer in Noida, so as to take steps necessary for your legal protection.
What if the sold car has been found to be involved in some illegal activity?
In case the car has been legally transferred to the name of the buyer and all documentary proofs are up to date so as to prove the selling of the car to the buyer, even if any criminal activity takes place with the help of the car, you shall not be held responsible or liable for such crime. For detailed information on the legal provisions involved, it is advised to seek the legal advice of an experienced criminal lawyer in Ghaziabad or a criminal lawyer in Gurgaon or your city.
Important documents required while selling the car
Sign the papers after receiving full payment - a number of the various documents are required to be signed while selling a car, hence it is important to sign the necessary documents only after receiving the full payment agreed.
Ask the buyer to provide his id and address proof - it could be a copy of his passport, driving license or any other document.
A number of documents as well as the duplicate is required to be given to the buyer - these documents could be the NOC, notice of transfer of car’s ownership, report of transfer of vehicle’s ownership, original registration certificate, tax related documents from the RTO, Insurance policy if included in the deal, all the warranty papers, copy of the original invoice of the car, PUC certificate, etc.
In addition to the documents mentioned above, some of the documents of the car, the original owner has to keep with him such as, the original car invoice, a copy of the vehicle’s RTO tax papers, registration, insurance policy, original car invoice, etc.
After selling the car -
Some additional work is required after you have sold your car, which is important for your safety and security-
Informing the RTO - As provided by the law, as long as the car has been registered in your name, you shall be held accountable for any unwanted accident which took place with it. Hence, it is important to inform the RTO you have sold your car. Within a period of 14 days, you shall send all the copies of relevant categories of the documents, which were retained by you, through a registered post. Also, you have to maintain the postal confirmation as well. After the acknowledgement of the delivery, you could be indemnified of all the liabilities associated with the car you have sold.
Informing the Insurance company - similarly it is necessary to inform the insurance company of the change in the ownership, especially if the insurance was included in the transfer of the ownership.
Updated RC from the buyer - also, you should ask the buyer for the updated RC, it may mean to have further contact with the buyer, however, it is important to keep the copy of the updated RC other documents of the car.
It is the responsibility of the seller to follow the proper procedure after he had sold his car, so as to ensure that he has no liability to the car he has sold already. In case you face a situation where your old car is involved in any illegal situation, you shall contact us at Lead India, as we offer you legal assistance or advice for the same.
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